What were some political effects of world War 2 in PNG? List them.

1. The impact of World War II in Papua New Guinea led to significant political changes in the territory.

2. The war served as a catalyst for Papuan political aspirations and nationalist movements.
3. The experience of fighting alongside allied forces during the war fueled a sense of pride and identity among Papuans.
4. The war also brought about increased scrutiny and attention from international powers, leading to increased pressure for political reforms and self-governance.
5. The aftermath of the war saw the beginning of efforts towards decolonization and eventual independence for Papua New Guinea.

List them in shorter answer.

1. Increased Papuan political aspirations and nationalist movements.

2. Heightened international scrutiny and pressure for political reforms.
3. Increased sense of pride and identity among Papuans.
4. Beginnings of decolonization and moves towards independence for Papua New Guinea.

List the effects of world War 2 in PNG socially, economically and politically.

Social effects:

1. Displacement of communities and disruption of traditional ways of life.
2. Integration of Papuans into global networks and exposure to new ideas and cultures.

Economic effects:
1. Destruction of infrastructure and economic resources.
2. Growth of the wartime economy and industrialization.
3. Increased reliance on foreign aid and assistance.

Political effects:
1. Promotion of self-governance and independence movements.
2. Creation of international interest and pressure for political reforms.
3. Increased political consciousness and activism among Papuans.