What were some political effects of world War 2? List them.

1. The rise of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers, leading to the beginning of the Cold War.

2. The formation of the United Nations to promote international cooperation and prevent future conflicts.
3. The collapse of European colonial empires, leading to decolonization movements in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
4. The establishment of new political boundaries and governments in Europe, including the division of Germany and the creation of satellite states in Eastern Europe controlled by the Soviet Union.
5. The emergence of new ideologies and political movements, such as socialism, communism, and fascism, as a result of the war's impact on society and economy.


1. The war brought about significant social changes in Papua New Guinea, as many Papua New Guineans were recruited to serve in the war effort, leading to increased interactions with foreign soldiers and exposure to new ideas and technologies.

2. The war also led to the Japanese occupation of parts of Papua New Guinea, which had a lasting impact on the country's infrastructure and economy.

3. After the war, Papua New Guinea became a United Nations Trust Territory administered by Australia, leading to increased political involvement and demands for self-governance and independence.

4. The war also highlighted the strategic importance of Papua New Guinea as a potential military base, leading to increased attention from foreign powers and influencing its political development.

5. Overall, World War II had a significant impact on Papua New Guinea's political landscape, shaping its path towards independence and influencing its relationship with the international community.