in a diagram angle a and angle b are vertical angles, and angel b is a complementary angle with angle c. if angle a=22, write an equation that you can use to solve for angle c.

Vertical angles are equal, so we know that angle a = angle b. We also know that angle b + angle c = 90 degrees (complementary angles add up to 90 degrees).

So, we have two equations:

1. angle a = angle b
2. angle b + angle c = 90

Substitute angle a = 22 into equation 1:

22 = angle b

Now substitute 22 for angle b in equation 2:

22 + angle c = 90

Subtract 22 from both sides to solve for angle c:

angle c = 90 - 22

angle c = 68

Therefore, angle c is equal to 68 degrees.