Although you are best known at school for being a competitive swimmer, you do an excellent job creating an intricate, interactive school project. Everyone is impressed with your skills. Your teacher tells you that you are a real “Renaissance man.” How would you interpret what a Renaissance man is?


An individual who excels at art derived from the ancient Greek and Roman time period.

An individual who excels at art derived from the ancient Greek and Roman time period. - no response given

A person who start over in life by finding a “rebirth” in their job, careers, and/or studies.

A person who start over in life by finding a “rebirth” in their job, careers, and/or studies. - no response given

A person who believes we should return to a simpler time before technology took over.

A person who believes we should return to a simpler time before technology took over. - no response given

A well-rounded individual who is capable of excelling at a variety of tasks and skills.
explain why

A Renaissance man is someone who is well-rounded and capable of excelling in a variety of different areas. This term originated during the Renaissance period in Europe, a time of great cultural and intellectual growth. During this time, individuals were encouraged to pursue multiple interests, such as art, science, philosophy, and literature. A Renaissance man is someone who embodies this ideal by constantly seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in a wide range of subjects. By being proficient in both swimming and creating intricate school projects, you demonstrate that you possess the qualities of a Renaissance man - intelligence, creativity, and a desire for continual self-improvement.