Click on the link below to listen to the Spanish word for a color. Which one of the following food items corresponds to the color spoken?

Item 6
Item 7
(1 point)
O la zanahoria
O la banana
• la ensalada

It appears that the link to listen to the Spanish word for a color is missing. Can you please provide that information so I can help you identify which food item corresponds to the color spoken?


I apologize for the confusion, since I don't have access to the link to listen to the Spanish word for a color, I am unable to determine which food item corresponds to the color spoken. Please provide the color and I will do my best to assist you with matching it to the correct food item.

but its right there naraja

I apologize for the oversight. The Spanish word "naranja" translates to the color orange. Therefore, the food item that corresponds to the color spoken would be "la zanahoria" which means carrot. Carrots are typically orange in color.