Provide an overview of the novel. With what issues/ events does he or she present?

about the novel the star that always stays

The novel "The Star that Always Stays" follows the journey of a young woman named Sarah who is struggling with loss, identity, and finding her own purpose in life. Sarah's life is turned upside down when her mother passes away, leaving her feeling lost and alone. She embarks on a journey to discover more about her mother's past and her own heritage, leading her on a path of self-discovery and personal growth.

Throughout the novel, Sarah grapples with themes of grief, family dynamics, and the search for belonging. She dives into her mother's history, uncovering secrets and truths that challenge her understanding of who she is and where she comes from. Along the way, she forges new relationships and learns to navigate the complexities of her own emotions.

As Sarah delves deeper into her past, she confronts difficult truths and must come to terms with her own sense of identity. The novel explores themes of healing, forgiveness, and the power of connection in the face of adversity. Ultimately, Sarah learns to embrace her past and find hope for the future, discovering that the star that always stays is the light within herself.