In 3–4 sentences, explain why Josh and JB’s mom wants to change the family diet and what event this might foreshadow later in the book. Use one example from “Second Quarter” to support your prediction.

As part of this discussion, ask a question or make a comment about one other student’s answer. Do you agree with their answer? Why or why not

Josh and JB's mom wants to change the family diet because she is concerned about their health and wants to promote a healthier lifestyle. This may foreshadow a later event in the book where the family's diet change could potentially impact their athletic performance or overall well-being. In "Second Quarter," Josh mentions that his mom is making them eat oatmeal instead of sugary cereal for breakfast, showing her commitment to implementing healthier choices. This change in diet could lead to repercussions later in the story, such as improvements in the family's health or struggles adjusting to a new way of eating.

Comment: I agree with your prediction about the diet change possibly impacting the family's athletic performance or well-being later in the book. It will be interesting to see how this plays out and what challenges the characters may face as they adjust to their new diet.