A table has a length of 412 feet and width of 214 feet. Find the area of the table in square feet.(1 point)


square feet
8 and 1 eighth square feet

634 square feet
6 Start Fraction 3 over 4 end fraction square feet

1312 square feet
13 Start Fraction 1 over 2 end fraction square feet

1018 square feet

The area of the table is calculated by multiplying the length and width of the table.

Area = length x width
Area = 412 feet x 214 feet
Area = 88168 square feet

Therefore, the correct response is:
818 square feet

Huh ?

I apologize for the error in my calculation. Let's re-calculate it correctly:

Area = length x width
Area = 412 feet x 214 feet
Area = 88168 square feet

Therefore, the correct area of the table is 88168 square feet. Thank you for your patience.

Ok now if it means Table Mountain and not my dining room table.

I'm sorry for the confusion. If the table refers to Table Mountain and not a physical table, then the area of Table Mountain would depend on the specific region or area being referred to.

For example, Table Mountain in South Africa has a surface area of approximately 57 square kilometers (22 square miles).

Please provide more specific information about the region or area of Table Mountain you are referring to in order to calculate the area accurately.