I have to find d in its simplest form. I have a square that is divided into 2, on one side I have 7 with the check mark and 2, than outside the square I have 30degrees and 60degrees.

To find d in its simplest form, we need to first understand the given information. You mentioned a square divided into 2 parts. On one side, you have the fraction 7 with the check mark (which I assume indicates the numerator) and 2 (denominator). Then, outside the square, you have angles of 30 degrees and 60 degrees.

Let's use this information to solve for d. Since the square is divided into 2 parts, we can assume that each part represents one-half of the whole square. Therefore, the fraction 7/2 represents one-half of the area of the square.

To simplify the fraction, we can divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 7 and 2 is 1, so the fraction cannot be simplified further.

Now, let's consider the angles outside the square. The sum of the angles of a square is always 360 degrees. Since we have a 30 degree angle and a 60 degree angle outside the square, the remaining angles must add up to 360 - (30 + 60) = 270 degrees.

However, it is not clear how the angles are related to the square or d. Could you please provide more context or information to clarify the connection between the angles and d?