How do recent criticisms of Suu Kyi and her party officials contrast with her message?

Recent criticisms of Suu Kyi and her party officials have highlighted a stark contrast with the message she has traditionally espoused. Suu Kyi has long been hailed as a champion of human rights and democracy, advocating for freedom of speech and political reform in Myanmar. However, in recent years, she has faced widespread condemnation for her handling of the Rohingya crisis, including allegations of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Critics argue that Suu Kyi has failed to uphold her commitment to human rights and has instead turned a blind eye to the systematic persecution of the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar. Her party officials have also been accused of complicity in the violence and discrimination against the Rohingya.

This stark contrast between Suu Kyi's previous message of democratic values and her government's actions has led to a significant backlash against her both within Myanmar and internationally. Many have expressed disappointment in her failure to live up to her reputation as a human rights advocate and have called for accountability for the atrocities committed against the Rohingya.