I need help with the following question. I am sure how to tell if something is a function or not.

Determine whether the realtion is a function.

{(-6,2),(-2,5), (3,2),(3,-7)}

I think its not a function, but then again I think it is cause you have different x's going to different y's.

To determine if a relation is a function, we need to check if each input (x-value) is associated with only one output (y-value). In other words, for each x-value, it should not have more than one corresponding y-value.

Looking at the relation {(-6, 2), (-2, 5), (3, 2), (3, -7)}, we can see that there are two ordered pairs with the same x-value of 3 but different y-values. Specifically, (3, 2) and (3, -7). Since there are multiple y-values for the same x-value, this relation is not a function.

In general, if any x-value has more than one corresponding y-value, the relation is not a function.