which sentence contains an example of verbal irony

A. "when i stepped outside, the cold air hit me like a ton of bricks--i quickly jumped back inside"
B. "i guess this is going to be a group effort," han said, looking at the full sign-up sheet
C. seeing the untouched bowls of chili, the chef laughed. " one of my biggest hits!"
D. "would you give me a hand moving these boxes upstairs?" dad asked politely

C. seeing the untouched bowls of chili, the chef laughed. "one of my biggest hits!"

which sentence contains a pun

A. can we get together on this tomorrow?
B. i blinked at the bright light outside
C. would a cardboard belt be a waist of paper
D. but that shirt is missing sleeves

C. would a cardboard belt be a waist of paper