Nine characteriestics of learning

1. Active engagement: Learning involves active participation and engagement with the material being taught, rather than passive receipt of information.

2. Motivation: A desire to learn and achieve goals is essential for effective learning to take place.

3. Self-regulation: Learners need to be able to monitor and regulate their own learning process, setting goals and adjusting their strategies accordingly.

4. Collaboration: Learning often occurs in social contexts, and collaboration with peers can enhance understanding and retention of material.

5. Feedback: Constructive feedback is crucial for learners to understand their progress and make improvements.

6. Reflection: Reflecting on one's learning experiences can help consolidate knowledge and develop deeper understanding.

7. Transfer: The ability to apply knowledge and skills learned in one context to new situations is an important aspect of learning.

8. Metacognition: Awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes and learning strategies can improve learning outcomes.

9. Continuous: Learning is a lifelong process that involves ongoing development and adaptation to new information and experiences.