Nine Characteristics of learnig

1. Active: Learning involves actively engaging with the material and applying it to real-world situations.

2. Goal-oriented: Learning is driven by specific objectives or goals that are set by the learner.

3. Continuous: Learning is an ongoing process that never stops, with new knowledge and skills constantly being acquired.

4. Personal: Learning is a unique and individual experience, with each learner bringing their own background, experiences, and perspectives to the process.

5. Contextual: Learning is situated within a particular context or environment, which can influence how information is understood and applied.

6. Collaborative: Learning often involves working with others, such as peers, mentors, or instructors, to share ideas, resources, and feedback.

7. Reflective: Learning requires self-reflection and evaluation in order to assess progress, identify areas for improvement, and set new goals.

8. Adaptive: Learning involves being flexible and willing to adjust strategies, approaches, and methods based on feedback and new information.

9. Transferable: Learning should result in the ability to apply knowledge and skills in varied situations and contexts, rather than just memorizing information for a single purpose.