I really need help on this I'm kind of confused on homework

Frist i have to create a Currency Conversion Design Assingment-Hierachy Chart. I put
Display Menu
Convert Currency
Display Results

I also need to create a Currency Conversion Development Assignment-Flowcharts
Complete the flowcharts for the assignments above by typing into the textboxes Below
I have to also create a pseudocode for the program design...

Thank you I'm really having a hard time understanding this...

Creating a Currency Conversion Design Assignment-Hierarchy Chart:

To create a Currency Conversion Design Assignment-Hierarchy Chart, you need to visualize the structure and organization of the tasks within the program. Here's a breakdown of the hierarchy chart based on the components you provided:

1. Main (Top-level)
- Display Menu (First-level child)
- Get_Int_Value (First-level child)
- Convert Currency (First-level child)
- Display Results (First-level child)

Here's an example of how the hierarchy chart could look:
├── Display Menu
├── Get_Int_Value
├── Convert Currency
└── Display Results

Creating a Currency Conversion Development Assignment-Flowcharts:

Flowcharts are graphical representations of the step-by-step processes in a program. Based on the hierarchy chart, you can create flowcharts for each of the components:

1. Main Flowchart:
- Start: Represents the start of the program
- Display Menu: Flowchart for displaying the menu options
- Get_Int_Value: Flowchart for getting the integer value from the user
- Convert Currency: Flowchart for converting the currency
- Display Results: Flowchart for displaying the conversion results
- End: Represents the end of the program

2. Display Menu Flowchart:
- Start: Represents the start of the function
- Display Menu Options: Flowchart for displaying the menu options
- User Input: Flowchart for obtaining the user's input
- End: Represents the end of the function

3. Get_Int_Value Flowchart:
- Start: Represents the start of the function
- Prompt User: Flowchart for prompting the user to enter an integer value
- User Input: Flowchart for obtaining the user's input
- End: Represents the end of the function

4. Convert Currency Flowchart:
- Start: Represents the start of the function
- Conversion Logic: Flowchart for performing the currency conversion calculations
- End: Represents the end of the function

5. Display Results Flowchart:
- Start: Represents the start of the function
- Display Conversion Results: Flowchart for displaying the converted currency results
- End: Represents the end of the function

Creating Pseudocode for the Program Design:

Pseudocode is a way to represent the steps of a program using plain English-like statements. Here's an example of pseudocode for the Currency Conversion program based on the hierarchy chart:

Display Menu()
inputChoice = Get_Int_Value()

if inputChoice == 1:
result = Convert Currency()
Display Results(result)
elseif inputChoice == 2:
Display "Invalid choice. Please try again."

Display Menu:
Display "1. Convert Currency"
Display "2. Exit"
return Get_Int_Value()

Display "Enter an integer value:"
return userIntegerInput

Convert Currency:
Display "Enter the amount in the original currency:"
originalAmount = userFloatInput

Display "Enter the conversion rate:"
conversionRate = userFloatInput

convertedAmount = originalAmount * conversionRate
return convertedAmount

Display Results(result):
Display "The converted amount is: " + result

(exitProgram, Display, and other functions used in the program should be defined separately as needed)

Remember, this pseudocode is a basic example and may need further refinement based on your specific requirements and programming language.