Dear Department of Sanitation,I am reaching out to you because of an issue regarding my community. I've noticed that my communities trash rate has been going up since 1960. This is a crucial issue to my community because it can cause a large number of animals to decease because of loss of air, drowning, strangulation, infections, etc. It can also be an issue for people who have asthma because trash has a strong smell. The smell can get in their lungs, causing them to have a hard time breathing, leading to suffocation. Proper recycling not only helps to keep our community clean and attractive but also contributes to a more sustainable future for all of us. So please, let us work together to create a culture of environmental responsibility in Deerfield, ensuring that we are doing our part to preserve our planet for future generations.

Best Regards, Adoniyah Keitt

Could you please proofread this?

Dear Department of Sanitation,

I am reaching out to you about an issue regarding my community. I have noticed that the trash rate in my community has been increasing since 1960. This is a critical issue for my community as it can lead to a high number of animals deceasing due to loss of air, drowning, strangulation, infections, etc. It can also be a problem for individuals with asthma as trash emits a strong odor that can affect their breathing, potentially leading to suffocation. Proper recycling not only helps to keep our community clean and attractive but also contributes to a more sustainable future for all of us.

Therefore, I urge you to work together with us to create a culture of environmental responsibility in Deerfield. Let us ensure that we are doing our part to preserve our planet for future generations.

Best Regards,
Adoniyah Keitt