Dear Ron deSantiss,

I am writing to tell you about a problem in our community that I think is really important. I have noticed that our local animal shelters don't have enough support and resources. This is a problem because they need money for food, medical care, and supplies for the animals. It's not fair to the animals because they are homeless or abandoned, and the shelters are their only hope. I hope you can help by providing more support and resources to the animal shelters in our city.

Thank you for your help.

Aeva Powell

i need you to rewrite that to teachers standards and also im 12 so talk like a 7th grader

Dear Ron DeSantis,

I wanted to talk to you about a big issue in our community. Our local animal shelters don't have enough help and things they need. They need money to buy food, take care of sick animals, and get supplies. It's not fair to the animals because they have nowhere else to go. The shelters are their only chance. Can you help by giving more support and stuff to our animal shelters?

Thanks for listening.

Aeva Powell

sorry this was my teachers sesponce to wat i wrote so make sure your doing everything she sayd

Dear Ron DeSantis,

I am writing to bring to your attention an important issue in our community. Our local animal shelters are in need of more support and resources. These shelters rely on funding for essential supplies such as food, medical care, and other necessary items for the animals in their care. It is concerning that these shelters are struggling to provide for homeless and abandoned animals in need. I am urging you to consider increasing support and resources for our local animal shelters.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Aeva Powell