Given a point on a line segment (-4, -6) what is the new point when the point is rotated clockwise about the origin 90°? Would it be (-6 4)

To rotate a point (-4, -6) clockwise about the origin by 90°, you can use the formula:

x' = x * cos(angle) + y * sin(angle)
y' = -x * sin(angle) + y * cos(angle)

In this case, the angle of rotation is 90°. Plugging in the values:

x' = -4 * cos(90°) + (-6) * sin(90°) = -4 * 0 + (-6) * 1 = -6
y' = -(-4) * sin(90°) + (-6) * cos(90°) = 4 * 1 + (-6) * 0 = 4

So the new point, after rotating the point (-4, -6) clockwise about the origin by 90°, would be (-6, 4).