What are the muscles of the face

There are many muscles in the face, some of the key ones include:

1. Frontalis muscle: located in the forehead, responsible for raising the eyebrows and creating horizontal forehead wrinkles.

2. Orbicularis oculi: surrounds the eyes, responsible for blinking and squinting.

3. Orbicularis oris: surrounds the lips, responsible for closing and puckering the lips.

4. Buccinator: located in the cheeks, responsible for sucking and blowing movements.

5. Zygomaticus major and minor: located in the cheeks, responsible for smiling and raising the corners of the mouth.

6. Masseter: located in the jaw, responsible for closing the jaw and chewing.

7. Temporalis: located on the sides of the head, responsible for closing the jaw and moving it from side to side.

8. Platysma: located in the neck and jaw, responsible for pulling down the corners of the mouth and grimacing.