Calculate the end of the ever the ram piston of hydraulic pres if an effort of 200 Nis applied to the 10 and there that operates the a bydraulic presshanical advantage of the lever systed that of the ram Pistency of the pres plunger. The mechter of the plunger is 15mm and that of the ram piston is 200 mm

First, we need to calculate the mechanical advantage of the lever system. The mechanical advantage is the ratio of the output force to the input force.

Mechanical Advantage = Output Force / Input Force
Mechanical Advantage = 200 N / 10 N
Mechanical Advantage = 20

Next, we can calculate the distance the effort force moves by using the concept of work done. The work done by the input force should be equal to the work done by the output force.

Input Work = Output Work
Input Force x Input Distance = Output Force x Output Distance
10 N x Input Distance = 200 N x 15 mm

Input Distance = (200 N x 15 mm) / 10 N
Input Distance = 3000 mm
Input Distance = 3 meters

Now, we can calculate the distance the ram piston will move when the effort force is applied.

Output Distance = Input Distance / Mechanical Advantage
Output Distance = 3 meters / 20
Output Distance = 0.15 meters
Output Distance = 150 mm

Therefore, the end of the ram piston of the hydraulic press will move 150 mm when an effort of 200 N is applied to the lever system that operates the hydraulic press.