Find the measures of the angles in the figure.

65°, 65°, 115°, 115°

50°, 50°, 100°, 100°

50°, 50°, 130°, 130°

60°, 60°, 120°, 120°

In each of these figures, the two angles that are the same are congruent angles. The sum of the angles in a quadrilateral is always 360°. Therefore, for each figure:

65° + 65° + 115° + 115° = 360°

50° + 50° + 100° + 100° = 300°

50° + 50° + 130° + 130° = 360°

60° + 60° + 120° + 120° = 360°

Therefore, the first, third, and fourth figures have measures of angles that add up to 360°, while the second figure does not.