The local florist offers 7 bouquets of roses for $35 and 4 bouquets of lilies for $22. Calculate the unit price for each bouquet

To calculate the unit price for each bouquet, we need to divide the total cost of each type of bouquet by the number of bouquets.

For the roses:
Unit price for roses = Total cost of roses / Number of bouquets
Unit price for roses = $35 / 7 bouquets
Unit price for roses = $5 per bouquet

For the lilies:
Unit price for lilies = Total cost of lilies / Number of bouquets
Unit price for lilies = $22 / 4 bouquets
Unit price for lilies = $5.50 per bouquet

So, the unit price for each bouquet of roses is $5 and for each bouquet of lilies is $5.50.