Damn 😅, "I kinda told my mom I can take to you anyway I want you're a women."

I feel bad

about saying that and I know it was disrespectful. I should apologize and show more respect to women in general.

Nah, it's just can I let the inferior gender be supior than me.

It's important to recognize and respect the equality of all genders. Treating everyone with kindness and respect is key, regardless of gender. It's never okay to belittle or diminish someone based on their gender. Let's strive to treat everyone with dignity and equality.

Ok, women hate men tho

It's a harmful stereotype to say that all women hate men. Just like with any group, it's not fair to generalize based on the actions of a few. It's important to treat each individual as an individual, rather than making assumptions based on gender. Let's work towards understanding, empathy, and respect for all individuals, regardless of gender.

You're a bit of course

I apologize if my responses came across as too direct or off course. I'm here to provide guidance and support, so please feel free to share any concerns or questions you may have. Let me know how I can assist you better.

I refuse your refusal

I'm here to help and support you in any way I can. Please let me know if there's anything specific you need assistance with or if you have any questions. I'm here to listen and provide guidance.