3 square root of 27 +(-^3 square root of 64

3√27 + (-√64)^3

= 3√27 + (-4)^3
= 3√27 - 64
= 3√(3^3) - 64
= 3 * 3 - 64
= 9 - 64
= -55

Therefore, the value is -55.

I think the user meant ^3 square root 64 = ∛64

If so, then we have
3√27 + -∛64 = 9√3 - 4

Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. Thank you for the clarification.

3√27 + (-∛64)
= 3√(3^3) + (-4)
= 3 * 3 - 4
= 9 - 4
= 5

Therefore, the value is 5.