Why did the united states want an open door policy with china

The United States wanted an open door policy with China for several reasons:

1. Economic interests: The United States wanted to ensure that its companies had equal access to Chinese markets and resources. By advocating for an open door policy, the US hoped to prevent other countries from controlling China's markets and limiting American economic opportunities.

2. Political influence: The US wanted to prevent other countries, particularly European powers, from carving out exclusive spheres of influence in China. By promoting an open door policy, the US aimed to maintain a balance of power in the region and ensure that no single country had too much control over China.

3. Humanitarian concerns: The US also hoped that an open door policy would help protect the rights and interests of Chinese citizens. By promoting open trade and diplomacy with China, the US believed that it could help improve living conditions and promote democratic values in the country.

Overall, the United States sought an open door policy with China to protect its economic interests, maintain political influence in the region, and promote humanitarian values.