Explain variable ratio with elaborated examples

Variable ratio refers to a schedule of reinforcement where a behavior is reinforced after a varying number of responses. This means that the number of responses required for a reinforcement to occur is not fixed, but instead fluctuates around an average number.

Here are some examples of variable ratio schedules:

1. Slot machines: In a casino, slot machines operate on a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement. Players put in coins and pull the lever, not knowing when they will win. The reinforcement (winning a jackpot or other prize) occurs after a variable number of responses (pulling the lever).

2. Sales commissions: In a sales job, a commission may be earned after making a variable number of sales. The payouts can vary, providing an incentive for salespeople to continue working hard to make more sales.

3. Fishing: When fishing, one may catch a fish after casting the line a variable number of times. The reinforcement (catching a fish) is unpredictable and keeps the fisherman motivated to continue trying.

4. Social media notifications: Social media platforms often use variable ratio schedules to reinforce user behavior. For example, notifications or likes on a post may appear after a variable number of interactions, encouraging users to continue engaging with the platform.

In all these examples, the variable ratio schedule of reinforcement is effective in maintaining a behavior because it is unpredictable and provides a continual motivation for the individual to continue engaging in the behavior.