mention the conditions of al istijmar

The conditions of al istijmar, or drawing water from a well, include the following:

1. The well must be owned by the person drawing water from it, or the owner must have given permission for others to use it.

2. The person drawing water must have a valid reason for doing so, such as for drinking, cooking, or other necessary purposes.

3. The person drawing water must use a vessel or container to collect the water, rather than allowing it to flow directly onto the ground.

4. The person drawing water must not waste or misuse the water, and must only take as much as is needed for their immediate use.

5. The person drawing water must not harm or damage the well in any way, and must leave it in the same condition as they found it.

6. If there are other people waiting to draw water from the well, the person drawing water must not unnecessarily delay or prevent others from accessing the water.