You and two friends visit a pizza shop. There are 15 toppings. 5 toppings are meat and the rest are vegetable. Each of you orders a do topping(no repeats) at random. What is the probability that your group orders only meat toppings? In fraction form

The total number of ways to choose 3 toppings out of 5 meat toppings is given by 5 choose 3, which is equal to 5! / (3! * (5-3)!) = 10 ways.

The total number of ways to choose 3 toppings out of all 15 toppings is given by 15 choose 3, which is equal to 15! / (3! * (15-3)!) = 455 ways.

Therefore, the probability that your group orders only meat toppings is 10/455 which simplifies to 2/91.