U1L07 apps with storage answers

Outfit Picker

What information should be stored?

- User's name

- User's preferences for different types of outfits (casual, formal, sporty, etc.)
- User's preferred stores or brands for clothing
- User's clothing sizes
- User's favorite colors or patterns

How should this information be stored?
- The information can be stored in a database, either locally on the user's device or on a server.
- Each user can have their own profile with their stored information.
- The information should be stored securely to protect the user's privacy and data.

Why is it important to store this information?
- Storing this information allows the app to provide personalized outfit recommendations based on the user's preferences.
- It makes the user experience more convenient by saving the user's preferences for easy access.
- It can help the app track popular trends and user preferences to improve its recommendations over time.