
To find the total cost, we need to add the cost of the television to the cost of shipping and handling.

Cost of the television: $371.90
10% of $371.90 = $37.19 (shipping and handling)

Total cost = Cost of the television + Shipping and handling
Total cost = $371.90 + $37.19
Total cost = $409.09

Therefore, the total cost was $409.09.


To find the total cost including the tip, we need to add the tip to the original cost.

Original cost of lunch: $51.95
Tip amount: 20% of $51.95

Tip = (20/100) * $51.95 = $10.39

Total cost = Original cost + Tip
Total cost = $51.95 + $10.39
Total cost = $62.34

Therefore, the total cost of the lunch including the tip was $62.34.


To find the amount of tax Britney will pay, we need to calculate 10% of the purchase price of the CD:

Sales tax amount = 10% of $17.20

Sales tax amount = (10/100) * $17.20

Sales tax amount = $1.72

Therefore, Britney will pay $1.72 in tax.


To find the amount of shipping and handling Mandy will pay, we need to calculate 9% of the price of the balance beam:

Shipping and handling amount = 9% of $518

Shipping and handling amount = (9/100) * $518

Shipping and handling amount = $46.62

Therefore, Mandy will pay $46.62 in shipping and handling.


Round your answer to the nearest dollar: $

To find the total cost including tax, we need to calculate 5% of the price of the mattress and add it to the original price:

Tax amount = 5% of $717
Tax amount = (5/100) * $717
Tax amount = $35.85

Total cost = Original price + Tax amount
Total cost = $717 + $35.85
Total cost = $752.85

Therefore, the total cost including tax is $753 when rounded to the nearest dollar.