who was involved in the international cotton exposition?

The International Cotton Exposition, held in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1881, involved various individuals and organizations related to the cotton industry. Some key figures and participants include:

1. Henry W. Grady: A prominent journalist and the leading force behind the organization of the exposition. He believed the event would showcase the post-Civil War South's economic redevelopment and attract investment.

2. Booker T. Washington: An African American educator and orator who delivered a famous speech at the exposition. His speech emphasized the importance of vocational education, economic development, and racial harmony.

3. William McKinley: At the time, an Ohio congressman and later President of the United States, McKinley attended the exposition as part of his efforts to gain Southern political support.

4. Business Leaders: Many influential businessmen and industrialists participated in the exposition to exhibit their products, technologies, and innovations related to the cotton industry.

5. Farmers and Workers: The exposition provided an opportunity for farmers and workers involved in cotton cultivation, processing, and related industries to showcase their work and exchange ideas.

6. International Participants: The exposition aimed to attract international exhibitors, visitors, and investors. Though the international participation was limited, some European and Latin American countries had representation at the event.

These are just a few examples of the individuals and groups involved in the International Cotton Exposition.