How did the Greek culture influence the development of the Roman republic? How did the Etruscan culture influence the development of the Roman republic? (4 points) SIMPLIFY

1. Greek Culture: The Greek culture influenced the development of the Roman republic by introducing a wide range of philosophical ideas, artistic styles, and architectural practices. The Romans admired Greek literature and adopted their forms of poetry, such as epics and dramas. They also learned from Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, incorporating their theories into Roman political thought. Greek art and architecture greatly influenced Roman aesthetics, leading to the construction of grand buildings and the development of intricate sculpture techniques.

2. Etruscan Culture: The Etruscan culture influenced the development of the Roman republic in several significant ways. The Romans adopted Etruscan religious practices and deities, integrating them into their own religious beliefs and rituals. The Etruscans also influenced Roman architecture, especially in the construction of temples and city planning. Additionally, the Etruscans introduced the use of the arch in construction, which revolutionized Roman engineering and allowed for the creation of larger and more stable structures. Furthermore, the Romans adopted elements of the Etruscan social and political organization, such as the concept of a council of elders and the practice of holding public games and spectacles.


1. Greek Culture: The Greek culture influenced the Roman republic by sharing ideas, art, and architecture. Romans were inspired by Greek literature, philosophy, and art, adopting their styles and techniques.

2. Etruscan Culture: The Etruscan culture influenced the Roman republic by introducing their religion, architecture, and social organization. Romans incorporated Etruscan gods, built structures using Etruscan architectural designs, and adopted some of their political practices.


Greek culture: Greeks influenced Romans through philosophy, literature, and art.

Etruscan culture: Etruscans influenced Romans with their religion, architecture, and social organization.