define indigenous innovation

Indigenous innovation refers to the development and application of new ideas, technologies, products, and processes that originate from within a particular country or culture. It emphasizes the unique knowledge, resources, and skills that are specific to a particular region and aims to harness these assets to drive economic growth and competitiveness.

Indigenous innovation promotes the idea that local communities and cultures possess valuable insights and knowledge that can contribute to the advancement of society. It recognizes that local needs, traditions, and natural resources can inspire innovation and foster the creation of products and services that are tailored to meet specific demands.

Indigenous innovation is often seen as a strategic policy approach by governments to foster economic development and reduce dependence on foreign technologies and intellectual property. It encourages investment in research and development, education, infrastructure, and entrepreneurship to facilitate the creation and commercialization of innovative ideas within the country.

This concept has gained significance in the era of globalization, as countries strive to preserve and utilize their unique cultural heritage and resources while participating in the global economy. Indigenous innovation aims to promote local industries, protect intellectual property rights, and strengthen domestic capabilities to enhance overall national competitiveness.