The development such as the invention like cotton gin by Eli Whitey. And the railroads both within Texas and making it go to other states and markets. And there were high commands for cotton.

The development of inventions such as the cotton gin by Eli Whitney greatly impacted the cotton industry in Texas. The cotton gin revolutionized the process of separating cotton seeds from the fibers, making it much more efficient and cost-effective. This led to a significant increase in cotton production, as it became easier to process the crop. As a result, Texas experienced a boom in cotton cultivation and became one of the leading cotton-producing states in the country.

Furthermore, the expansion of railroads within Texas and connecting it to other states and markets played a crucial role in the cotton industry's growth. Railroads provided a reliable and fast mode of transportation for cotton, enabling farmers and merchants to transport their cotton quickly and efficiently to markets. This improved connectivity allowed Texas cotton to reach broader markets, both domestically and internationally, increasing its demand and profitability.

The combination of the cotton gin and efficient rail transportation resulted in high demands for cotton. The cotton industry became a significant driver of economic growth in Texas, attracting more settlers and investors to the region. The demand for cotton not only stimulated agricultural production but also spurred the growth of textile mills and other industries related to cotton processing.

Overall, the development of the cotton gin, coupled with the expansion of railroads, propelled the cotton industry in Texas, leading to high demands for cotton and significant economic growth.