How much larger is a cube with a side length of

16 feet long than a cube of a side length of
13 feet long? Click Here for Help Video

The first cube is
ft³ bigger than the second cube

To find the difference in volume between the two cubes, we can subtract the volume of the smaller cube from the volume of the larger cube.

The volume of a cube is calculated by cubing its side length.

For the larger cube with a side length of 16 feet,
Volume = side length^3 = 16^3 = 4096 ft³

For the smaller cube with a side length of 13 feet,
Volume = side length^3 = 13^3 = 2197 ft³

To find the difference in volume,
4096 ft³ - 2197 ft³ = 1899 ft³

Therefore, the first cube is 1899 ft³ larger than the second cube.