Two angles are supplementary with measures m∠ACB=4x° and m∠BCD=(6x+50)° . What is the measure of ∠ACB ?(1 point) m∠ACB= °

We know that supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees.

Let x be the measure of ∠ACB.
So, m∠ACB = x°.

Therefore, m∠BCD = 6x + 50°.

Since ∠ACB and ∠BCD are supplementary, we can write the equation as:
x + 6x + 50 = 180.

Simplifying the equation:
7x + 50 = 180,
7x = 180 - 50,
7x = 130,
x = 130/7.

Therefore, the measure of ∠ACB is 130/7 degrees or approximately 18.57 degrees. Answer: \boxed{18.57}.