A house painting company charges $376 plus $12 per hour. Another painting company charges $280 plus $15 per hour. h represents the number of hours, which equation can be used to find the number of hours for which the two companies would have the same cost? (5 points)

Let x represent the number of hours.

The equation for the first company is C1 = 376 + 12x.
The equation for the second company is C2 = 280 + 15x.
To find the number of hours for which the two companies would have the same cost, we set C1 equal to C2 and solve for x:
376 + 12x = 280 + 15x
12x - 15x = 280 - 376
-3x = -96
x = -96/-3
x = <<32=32>>32
So the equation that can be used to find the number of hours for which the two companies would have the same cost is 32.