A house painting company charges $376 plus $12 per hour. Another painting company charges $280 plus $15 per hour. g represents the number of hours, which equation can be used to find the number of hours for which the two companies would have the same cost?

For the first company, the cost (C) is given as $376 plus $12 per hour. So, the equation for the first company is:

C = $376 + $12g

For the second company, the cost (C) is given as $280 plus $15 per hour. So, the equation for the second company is:
C = $280 + $15g

For the two companies to have the same cost, we equate the two equations:
$376 + $12g = $280 + $15g

Rearranging the equation, we get:
$12g - $15g = $280 - $376
-$3g = -$96

Dividing both sides by -3, we get:
g = 32

The equation that can be used to find the number of hours for which the two companies would have the same cost is:
32 hours.