What is a summary?

What information should be included in a summary? (see T-chart linked on p.8)
What information should not be included in a summary? Why not?
What does it mean to give an objective summary?
(short answers)
(the t chart says:
the most important ideas in a story

a short, concise account of the story

a restatement of the story in the reader's own words

objective information about the story)

A summary is a brief and concise account of the most important ideas in a story, written in the reader's own words. It should include the objective information about the story.

Information that should be included in a summary:
- The main ideas or key points of the story
- Relevant and important details that support those main ideas
- The overall message or theme of the story

Information that should not be included in a summary:
- Personal opinions or feelings about the story
- Unrelated or irrelevant details that do not contribute to understanding the main ideas
- Information that is not supported by evidence or is not directly related to the story

To give an objective summary means to provide a summary that is unbiased and free from personal opinion or interpretation. It focuses solely on the factual and objective information in the story, without including any personal thoughts or feelings.