Complete the following analogy:

lungs : organ :: skull :

(1 point)






Use the following poem to answer the question.

Courage is like a mighty roar,
Roaring loud, down to the core.
In the face of fear and strife,
It guides us through the darkest night.

With each step, our hearts will race,
Conquering challenges, swift of pace.
Courageous souls, united we stand,
Hand in hand, across the land.

Which line from the poem uses onomatopoeia?

(1 point)

Courage is like a mighty roar.
Courage is like a mighty roar.

It guides us through the darkest night.
It guides us through the darkest night.

With each step, our hearts will race.
With each step, our hearts will race.

Hand in hand, across the land.

Courage is like a mighty roar.

Why might an author use figurative language in their writing?(1 point)


It is fun.
It is fun.

To create vivid descriptions and spark the interest of their readers.
To create vivid descriptions and spark the interest of their readers.

To make their text easier to read.
To make their text easier to read.

To make their text more difficult to understand.

To create vivid descriptions and spark the interest of their readers.

the snow drifts into hills of white. the imprints of his lonely plight lie deep beneath the fallen snow, lost to all but those who know the truths that spurred this venture forth from warmer pasts to it present course, the words the deeds, the thoughts untold the lost that lost to a heart too bold. reflecting hues of the starless night, the snow drifts into hills of white.

What two stylistic devices does the poet use to add interest and meaning to the poem?

(1 point)

Personification and Metaphor
Personification and Metaphor

Simile and Hyperbole
Simile and Hyperbole

Repetition and Alliteration
Repetition and Alliteration

Analogy and Allusion

Simile and Personification

choose one of the answer choices

Simile and Hyperbole

the storm raged with gusts and raged with rain.

identify the stylistic technique used in this line.

(1 point)



rhyme scheme
rhyme scheme
