what is the required process in order for a double dissolution to be actionable in Australia?

In Australia, a double dissolution is a special procedure that can be taken to resolve deadlocks between the two houses of the federal parliament – the House of Representatives and the Senate. The process for a double dissolution to be actionable involves several steps:

1. Triggering Event: The Prime Minister advises the Governor-General to resolve a deadlock by calling a double dissolution election. A deadlock occurs when the same bill, that originated in the House of Representatives, is rejected twice by the Senate with an interval of at least three months.

2. Double Dissolution Election: The Governor-General issues a writ for a double dissolution election. The writ outlines the date for the election and the date by which nominations for candidates must be submitted.

3. Election Campaign: Political parties and candidates campaign for the double dissolution election.

4. Election: The election is held, with voters casting their votes for candidates in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

5. Allocation of Seats: The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) determines and declares the winning candidates in each electorate for both houses.

6. Joint Sitting: If after the election, the deadlock still persists, a joint sitting of both houses is convened. It is held to consider and vote on the legislation that triggered the double dissolution. The joint sitting is presided over by the President of the Senate and follows the ordinary legislative process, including debate and voting.

7. Passage of Legislation: If the legislation is passed by an absolute majority (i.e., more than half of the total number of members in both houses), it becomes law. If not, it will not progress further and is effectively defeated.

It is important to note that double dissolution elections are relatively rare, as they require specific conditions to be met. It is up to the Prime Minister to assess whether it is politically advantageous to call for a double dissolution election.