mom has only wrapped 6 packages, but hse can wrap 50 packages per hour. Dad has already wrapped 42 packages, but he can only wrap 38 packages per hour. How many hours will it take for Mom to have wrapped as many packages as Dad?

Mom needs to wrap 42 - 6 = <<42-6=36>>36 more packages.

Mom wraps 50 * hours = <<50*hours=50hours>>50 hours.
Dad wraps 38 * hours = <<38*hours=38hours>>38 hours.
Mom needs to wrap the same amount of packages as Dad, so 50 hours = 38 hours + 36 packages.
Subtract the part of the equation without a variable to find how many hours it will take for Mom to have wrapped as many packages as Dad.
50 hours - 38 hours = 36 packages.
Subtract 38 hours from both sides of the equation.
12 hours = 36 packages.
Divide both sides by 36 to find the value of the variable, and the outermost operation does not have a variable in it.
12 hours / 36 = package = 1 hour.
Mom will be done after 50 + 1 = <<50+1=51>>51 hours.
It will take 51 hours for Mom to wrap as many packages as Dad. Answer: \boxed{51}.