What is the number of moles in 423 g Ba(NO3)2


1.62 mol
1.62 mol

0.237 mol
0.237 mol

0.605 mol
0.605 mol

3.66 mol

To find the number of moles in 423 g of Ba(NO3)2, we need to convert the mass of the substance to moles using its molar mass.

The molar mass of Ba(NO3)2 can be calculated by adding up the atomic masses of each element:

Ba: 1 atom * 137.33 g/mol = 137.33 g/mol
N: 2 atoms * 14.01 g/mol = 28.02 g/mol
O: 6 atoms * 16.00 g/mol = 96.00 g/mol

Adding these up, we get:
Ba(NO3)2 molar mass = 137.33 g/mol + 28.02 g/mol + 96.00 g/mol = 261.35 g/mol

Now, we can use the formula:
Number of moles = Mass / Molar mass

Number of moles = 423 g / 261.35 g/mol ≈ 1.62 mol

Therefore, the number of moles in 423 g of Ba(NO3)2 is approximately 1.62 mol. The first response is correct.