A math quiz has

5 multiple choice questions and each question has
4 choices. If a student has to guess (and is not able to remove any of of the incorrect choices) what is the probability that the student answers all of the questions correctly?

The probability of answering one multiple choice question correctly is 1 out of 4 choices, which can be written as 1/4. Since there are 5 questions, and the student needs to answer all of them correctly, the probability is the product of the individual probabilities for each question.

P(all correct) = P(question 1 correct) * P(question 2 correct) * P(question 3 correct) * P(question 4 correct) * P(question 5 correct)

= (1/4) * (1/4) * (1/4) * (1/4) * (1/4)

= 1/1024

Therefore, the probability that the student answers all of the questions correctly is 1/1024.