answers to unti 8 lesson 3 free from tobacco

1. People who use tobacco products can face numerous health risks, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems.

2. Quitting smoking is the best decision a tobacco user can make for their health.

3. Nicotine addiction is the primary reason why it is difficult for people to quit smoking or using other tobacco products.

4. There are various methods and resources available to help individuals quit tobacco, such as nicotine replacement therapy, counseling, and support groups.

5. It is important for individuals to set a quit date and create a personalized quit plan to increase their chances of successfully quitting tobacco.

6. Avoiding triggers, such as being around other smokers or stressful situations, can be helpful in maintaining tobacco-free habits.

7. Staying physically active and engaging in healthy activities can assist in reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting tobacco.

8. It is important to address the emotional and psychological aspects of quitting tobacco, as individuals may experience mood swings or increased stress during the process.

9. Having a strong support system, including family and friends, can greatly enhance an individual's chances of successfully quitting tobacco.

10. Celebrating milestones and rewarding oneself for progress made in remaining tobacco-free can be motivating and encouraging.