Your boss called you into a meeting this morning to tell you that he feels that you are not being as

productive as you could be. He thinks you are wasting time on things that don't matter.
What is the BEST strategy to address his concerns and to help you overcome whatever productivity
issues you may have?
A) Offer to keep a detailed time log.
B) Defend yourself and tell him that you work hard every day.
C) Talk to his supervisor about the conversation.
D) Go to the personnel department to complain.

A) Offer to keep a detailed time log.

Keeping a detailed time log can help address your boss's concerns and provide evidence of how you are spending your time. By keeping track of your activities, you can identify areas where you might be wasting time and make necessary adjustments to increase productivity. This strategy shows your willingness to address the issue head-on and take responsibility for your productivity.