There are 6 grams of fat in a 28 gram serving of Sunchips. How many grams of fat are in a 15 gram serving?

Show or explain all the steps you took to find the answer.

To find the number of grams of fat in a 15 gram serving of Sunchips, we can use proportions.

Let's set up a proportion based on the information given:

6 grams of fat is to 28 grams of serving size as x grams of fat is to 15 grams of serving size.

This can be written as:

6g/28g = x/15g.

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

28g * x = 6g * 15g.

28x = 6 * 15.

28x = 90.

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 28:

x = 90/28.

x ≈ 3.21.

Therefore, there are approximately 3.21 grams of fat in a 15 gram serving of Sunchips.