Fi = 4 kg * 2 m/s/s = 8 N
Fo =4 * 8 N = 32 N
HOW IS THE ANSWER 8 N IF ITS 2 METERS PER SECOND SQUARED, WHY WOULDNT IT BE 16 N INSTEAD OF 8 N IF 2 M/S/S IS 4 AND THERE IS 4 kg, HOW IS 8 INSTEAD OF 16. AS IN; 2 m/s/s times 2 m/s/s = 4, then 4 times 4 = 16?

In the equation Fi = ma, Fi represents the force exerted on an object, m represents the mass of the object, and a represents the acceleration of the object.

In this case, the mass is given as 4 kg and the acceleration is given as 2 m/s/s.

So, substituting the values into the equation, we have Fi = 4 kg * 2 m/s/s = 8 N.

The result of 8 N means that the force exerted on the object is 8 Newtons.

It seems there may be a misunderstanding in your calculation. The expression "2 m/s/s times 2 m/s/s = 4" is incorrect.

The correct calculation would be:
2 m/s/s * 2 m/s/s = (2 * 2) (m/s/s * m/s/s) = 4 m^2/s^2

The units here are square meters per square second. It is not equal to 4 or 16 N because N represents the unit of force, not square meters per square second.

So, the force Fi is indeed 8 N, not 16 N.