Pam has 228 ounces of lemonade. She pours the lemonade into 8-ounce cups, filling as many as she can until all the leonade is gone. The last cup is not completely full, how much lemonade is in the last cup?

To determine how many full cups Pam can fill with 228 ounces of lemonade, divide 228 by 8: 228 / 8 = <<228/8=28.5>>28.5

Since Pam cannot have a fraction of a cup, she can fill 28 full cups.
The remaining lemonade is equal to 228 ounces minus the 28 full cups, or 228 - (28 * 8) = 228 - 224 = <<228-(28*8)=16>>16 ounces.
Thus, the last cup contains 16 ounces of lemonade. Answer: \boxed{16}.

Give me an amswer from these:

A. 4 ounces
B. 8 ounces
C. 12 ounces
D. 3 ounces

The correct answer is A. 4 ounces.