do video with people in it increase views

Yes, videos with people in them tend to increase views for several reasons:

1. Human connection: People are naturally drawn to other people. Having people in a video can create a sense of connection and relatability, which can engage viewers and keep them interested.

2. Emotional impact: When people are emotionally involved or enthralled by a video, they are more likely to watch it till the end and share it with others. Videos featuring people can evoke emotions, whether it's through storytelling, humor, or powerful performances.

3. Social proof: Seeing people in a video can provide social proof and credibility. If viewers see others engaging with or enjoying the video, they will perceive it as more trustworthy and intriguing. This can lead to higher view counts and increased engagement.

4. Variety and diversity: Incorporating a diverse range of people in a video can attract a wider audience. People like seeing others who they can relate to, so having a mix of different ages, genders, ethnicities, and backgrounds can help expand the reach and appeal of a video.

5. Virality potential: Videos featuring people can have a higher chance of going viral. Engaging and entertaining content with relatable individuals can create a ripple effect as viewers share it with their social networks, leading to a significant increase in views.

However, it's important to note that while including people in a video can enhance its viewership potential, the overall quality, content, and relevance are crucial factors that determine success. The video's storytelling, production value, and well-executed ideas are equally important for attracting and retaining viewers.